
15 Articles

Redefining Career Specialization

Just becoming the best programmer is too hard. Becoming the best ruby programmer is hard, but not as hard. Becoming the best Ruby on Rails backend developer is a little easier...

Software Engineers Need a Brag Doc

A brag doc is a place where you keep track of (and ideally show off) the work you're proud of. You can call it what you...

Eloquent Ruby In 10 Minutes

Over the last few month's I've been diving much deeper into Ruby, going through the famous Eloquent Ruby book...

How to Make a belongs_to Relationship in Rails

ActiveRecord makes it really easy to tie models in a Rails app to...

How to Fix Tailwind CSS Not Loading in Rails 7

Have you started a rails app and your page has no styling even though you're using Tailwind classes...

Thoughts on A Philosophy of Software Design

I recently read “A Philosophy of Software Design”, a brief but dense book of opinions on designing software well...

Eliminating Code Complexity by Finding Double Negatives

Making code easier to maintain by writing it like we would in english...

How I'm Learning Faster as a Software Engineer

What I've been up to, and how I'm growing as a software engineer...

How I Built and Launched a SaaS App In 2 Days

Like a lot of folks, I have a bad habit of starting projects and then completely abandoning them for the next big thing....

How To Use Swift’s Ternary Operator

Ternary operators are an easy way to do some if-else logic all on one line...

Should I Major in Computer Science?

Reflections on my last year of college...

How To Give Your ViewController An Activity Indicator

UIKit provides a nifty little spinning wheel we can display to the user when we’re waiting on something that the user can’t see...

How To Customize UITextView

How to use programmatic UI to customize a UITextView with Swift...

How to Set Up Programmatic Interfaces in iOS

Storyboards let us quickly build out a beautiful interface, but face limitations and scale problems...

What Is Recursion Anyways?

Recursion is black magic, let's peek behind the curtain..