
7 Articles

Redefining Career Specialization

Just becoming the best programmer is too hard. Becoming the best ruby programmer is hard, but not as hard. Becoming the best Ruby on Rails backend developer is a little easier...

Software Engineers Need a Brag Doc

A brag doc is a place where you keep track of (and ideally show off) the work you're proud of. You can call it what you...

How I'm Learning Faster as a Software Engineer

What I've been up to, and how I'm growing as a software engineer...

Should I Major in Computer Science?

Reflections on my last year of college...

Why You Can't Focus

Focus is a dying art, but it doesn't have to be....

My Favorite Productivity Tips

If a craftsman wants to do good work, he must first sharpen his tools.....

How I Use Todoist To Organize My Life As A Student

I stand by the idea that careful planning is the key to being successful at anything you want to do....