
Outside of my job, I have worked on a number of projects to expand my skills and scratch the itch to build and write about cool things.

Software Engineering Trainings

The Engineering Trainings App

I built a Ruby on Rails application that lists user-submitted “Resources” for growing a software engineering career. It ships with an admin panel to allow privileged users to approve resources before they’re listed. I also shipped this to my own VPS using Docker and Kamal, which was super fun. You can visit today and add your own resources!


SyntaxPen Website

I write technical content for businesses that want to reach developers. I built a React and Next.js marketing website to market my services. Get help with technical content!.

Ask Eloquent Ruby

Ask Eloquent Ruby Website

Uses vector embeddings and Open AI completions API to answer questions from a book about Ruby. Written with Ruby on Rails and React in April 2023. Code on Github

Homeschool Hive

Homeschool Hive Website

Creating a Learning Management System for homeschool families with Ruby on Rails. Using to hone skills in Rails and Stripe Integrations. Targeting a May 2024 deployment.


Distractly Demo

A mac menu bar application to quickly take notes when distracted during focused work. Published to the mac app store in April 2023.

Rails Work

RailsWork Demo

Created a SaaS app using Ruby on Rails that job seekers to browse job postings and recruiters to post jobs.. Using to hone skills in Rails, Git, Heroku, and Stripe Integrations. Deployed in May 2021 and deprecated in January 2022.

Medical Device Inventory App

Inventory Demo

Designed and implemented a native iOS inventory management application for a medical startup. Written with Swift and used API calls to interface with the web application counterpart.

Github Followers

GH Followers Demo

Created an iOS app that interfaces with the Github API to browse users and their followers. Created while taking Sean Allen’s Take Home Project Course. Used Swift and UIKit with Programmatic UI, made network calls using URLSession, persisted data using UserDefaults, and explored CollectionViews with DiffableDataSource. You can see my code on Github here.


MockMyWords Demo

Seen that meme of everyone’s favorite cartoon character mOcKing wItH soMe aLteRnaTinG teXt? I turned it into an Android App in March 2019 and an iOS App in May 2020! Created with Swift and UIKit.

What Are The Odds

What are The Odds Demo

Simple game where one person dares another to do a ridiculous task. The app adds to the fun by truly randomly generating the numbers, eliminating cheating. Android App in December 2018 and an iOS App in May 2020. Created with Swift and UIKit. View code and demo on github.

Study Buddy

Study Buddy Demo

A fun iOS app for tracking study habits and reducing distractions. Created for a client, working to meet project requirements and deadlines. Utilized Core Data and monetized using AdMob. Published on the App Store in October 2019.